Academic woes

Education is paramount, but the path to knowledge can be riddled with struggles....

By Nazish Sabir
July 26, 2024


Filled with dreams and thirst for knowledge, so many students step into various institutes each year. However, the harsh reality soon unleashes, and they’re met with a heap of challenges that hinder not just their growth – both academically and professionally – but also cost them their mental health.


Here, I will be highlighting some of the issues students encounter during their academic journeys.


Favouritism stands atop the list of these difficulties. Favouritism and biased treatment by faculty members can be a significant obstacle, creating a sense of injustice and disillusionment among students. In some cases, for some students, favouritism clears the way for unfair advantages in landing jobs and internship opportunities. Although the teachers may not intend to show such partial behaviour, their approach towards problem-solving and interaction may give the perception of bias and unequal treatment that can lead to mental health concerns in students.

Communication gap

You cannot express your talent if you are silenced before you even begin. Communication gap between students and teachers often leads to unheard voices and untapped notions. Sometimes students trying to express their ideas and opinions are met with indifference and dismissive gestures. Such attitude can crush the confidence of the students, thereby leaving a damaging impact on the mental wellbeing of the individual.

Lack of opportunities

In order to secure a good position in a company and/or any organisation in the future, you need to have polished skills. The insufficient availability of opportunities to develop and enhance skills is another arduous challenge that students face in their academic journey. Thus, unlike the students of prestigious institutes, those from smaller ones face hurdles while competing for internships, jobs, and volunteer work. This discrepancy worsens the cycle of inequality even further, hence affecting personal growth and professional development of the students.

Resource disparities

Furthermore, lack of parity in funding can also slow down the interest and motivation of students for a better future.

If there lies discrimination among different fields in terms of availability of resources, workshops, and trainings, it can induce a sense of disappointment and frustration among the students. Pupils in disciplines with minimal support and opportunities feel neglected and demotivated if they do not get to enjoy the same resources and support that are being offered to others.

It’s essential for the educational institutes to acknowledge and address these issues, and work on maintaining a more inclusive, supportive, and growth-oriented environment. If equal opportunities are given to students followed by encouragement and opportunity to communicate their ideas, problems, and opinions, then nothing can stop them from succeeding in their desired fields. Similarly, institutes should also emphasize organising teacher-student workshops to bridge the communication gap.
