But what if we listened to our own beating heart? Would we find our true purpose and never depart?

By US Desk
July 19, 2024

Poems forever

In memory of anyone unknown to me

By Elizabeth Jennings


At this particular time I have no one

Particular person to grieve for, though there must

Be many, many unknown ones going to dust

Slowly, not remembered for what they have done

Or left undone. For these, then, I will grieve

Being impartial, unable to deceive.

How they lived, or died, is quite unknown,

And, by that fact gives my grief purity,

An important person quite apart from me

Or one obscure who drifted down alone.

Both or all I remember, have a place.

For these I never encountered face to face.

Sentiment will creep in. I cast it out

Wishing to give these classical repose,

No epitaph, no poppy, and no rose

From me, and certainly no wish to learn about

The way they lived or died. In earth or fire

They are gone. Simply because they were human, I admire.


By Amna Ameer

As a woman

You become an expert

A professional crier

They may say

You learn to cry

In the bedroom

At night

In the shower

Without a sound

You sometimes cry

In the open

When everyone else

Is unaware

You run away


And are still present

You learn

To be at many places

At once

You remember a time

When they could tell

That your eyes were red

And they could trace

The tears on your face

But for now just pretend

It’s still a phase

This too shall pass

And you’ll master

This masquerade

The whisper of our heart

By Maryam Munir

In the whisper of others,

We forget our own voice,

Chasing societal dreams,

We lose our heart’s choice,

But what if we listened to our own beating heart?

Would we find our true purpose and never depart?

Let’s break free from the chains,

That bind us so tight,

And shine with our own light,

In the dark of night.

Let’s choose our own path,

And walk with our own pride.

And find our own happiness,

Deep inside.

Where our true self resides,

And our heart finds its home.

And we finally live,

As we were meant to roam.
