Emily (@emily_tweets): Me at Best Buy: ‘Do you have any thought-cancelling headphones?’

By US Desk
July 12, 2024

Katie D (KatieDeal99): Me before grocery shopping: Healthy foods, no impulse buys, I can do this.

Me during grocery shopping: They make chocolate filled marshmallows???


Adam (YSylon): LEGO: We’re going to start making grownup play sets.

Me: Will it come with the time and energy necessary to complete it?


Emily (emily_tweets): Me at Best Buy: ‘Do you have any thought-cancelling headphones?’

Crow Magnom (distracted_monk): This gig economy is making it hard to assemble a dependable team for my jewel heist.

Benny Boy (Camel_Crushin): No matter what’s going on in your life, there’s some form of potato that can make it better.

Natalie Would (_NatalieWould): Sorry I’m late, nothing matters.

Laugh lines

Riddle me this…

Q: Why did the boss enroll the office printing machine in an exercise class?

A: He wanted it to get toner.

Q: Why did the printer break up with the scanner?

A: Because it was copying everything.

Q: What happened to the printer supply salesman who dreamed about finding a brand new color of ink to sell?

A: He woke up and realized it was all a pigment of his imagination!

Q: Why did the ink cartridge go to therapy?

A: It was feeling a little drained.

Q: What did Cinderella say when her office printer malfunctioned?

A: “Don’t worry. I know someday my prints will come!”

Q: Why is the new printer always calm?

A: It has a lot of resolution.

Q: What’s a printer’s favorite punctuation mark?

A: The comma, because it gets to take a break.


“Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push. You gotta rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.” – Jerry Seinfeld
