Poems forever

The stars are spinning their threads... And the clouds are the dust that flies ...

By US Desk
July 05, 2024


A Dream-Song


By George MacDonald

The stars are spinning their threads,

And the clouds are the dust that flies,

And the suns are weaving them up

For the day when the sleepers arise.

The ocean in music rolls,

The gems are turning to eyes,

And the trees are gathering souls

For the day when the sleepers arise.

The weepers are learning to smile,

And laughter to glean the sighs,

And hearts to bury their care and guile

For the day when the sleepers arise.

Oh, the dews and the moths and the daisy-red,

The larks and the glimmers and flows!

The lilies and sparrows and daily bread,

And the something that nobody knows!

A drink by graves

By Hiba Tahir

Late at night, beneath my pillow,

I felt that butterfly

Who had once been gifted to me by graves.

She whispered in my ear,

“How are you?”

I looked at the sky, and the stars smiled.

Remembering the purple blood I drank last time,

I allowed myself to think.

Now, someone else will be served

With a black glittery drink,

And this time

I’ll be among those graves.


By Abid Agha

Relationships are like a tree,

They grow and get stronger over time,

Deep-rooted and well-grounded.

Enjoy the blossoms of spring,

Cherish the colours of autumn,

Face the adversities together.

And never bow down before the odds.

Whatever comes their way,

They keep on standing tall,

And conveying loudly.

Listen to the tunes of little petals

Dancing to the beats of the breeze,

And saying:

Relationships are not meant to be short-lived.

They are deep-rooted

For a joyous togetherness forever
