Wake up Pakistan

By News Desk
July 04, 2024

The worsening conditions of the country are sparing no one. In such a situation, every intelligent Pakistani has been forced to think about the end we will face. What is the root of these bad conditions? Who has the solution? And where are those who have inherited this country (its people)? In fact, the answer to all the questions lies in the last question. This country still looks abandoned because its people are missing in action. If all of us Pakistanis look at ourselves, we will find that we do not play any role for the country anywhere in our daily routine life.


We do not consider the country's assets and resources as our own, and when we vote, we don't even think about the country and the nation. We vote based on personal preferences, personal interests and personal relationships. And this behaviour of ours is the root of all these problems. Hear the call of the country and be present as an heir. Wake up your sleeping national sentiments and fulfil your national duties as Pakistanis with full responsibility, otherwise our story will not be in the stories.

Qasim Ali Qasim

