Efforts being made to improve rice yield, quality, says secy

By Our Correspondent
July 03, 2024
Punjab Secretary Agriculture Iftikhar Ali Sahoo chairs a meeting in this undated image. — X/PnD_Punjab/File

LAHORE: The target of paddy cultivation in Punjab has been set at five million acres and all possible resources are being used to increase the output, quality and export of rice from Pakistan.


These views were expressed by Secretary Agriculture, Punjab Iftikhar Ali Sahoo while presiding over a meeting of the Provincial Rice Monitoring Committee at Agriculture House, here Tuesday. He said that good yield and better price of paddy per acre is the guarantee of prosperity of the farmers. All stakeholders have to play role in achieving a bumper crop in Punjab. Secretary Agriculture, said that practical steps should be taken to ensure production of rice according to the demand of Europe, America and other markets. Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) should cooperate with farmers to achieve quality rice production.

Secretary Agriculture made it clear that spraying agricultural poisons that have post-harvest effect on the rice crop would not be allowed at all. Guidance should be provided on using only safe and recommended agricultural pesticides on the rice crop. Agriculture Department, Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan and Pesticide Industry should play an active role in this regard.

Secretary Agriculture while giving instructions to the officers concerned said that MRL (Maximum Residual Level) should be followed to increase the export of rice. The quality can also be maintained by taking precautions during storage of rice. Instructions have been issued to the field formations for awareness of responsible use of agricultural pesticides. He said that only with the quality production of rice, the possibility of rejection of shipment from Europe, America and other countries can be eliminated. The field formations have been tasked to provide technical guidance on balanced and proportionate use of irrigation and other agricultural inputs in paddy. The meeting was attended by Special Secretary Agriculture Shehanshah Faisal Azeem, Director General Agriculture Extension Abdul Hameed, Director General Agricultural Information Punjab Naveed Asmat Kahloon, Director General Crop Reporting Dr Abdul Qayyum and representatives of the pesticide industry and other relevant stakeholders.
