Who will head HEC after Dr Mukhtar’s tenure ends on 28th?

By Syed Muhammad Askari
July 03, 2024
Chairman of the HEC Dr Mukhtar Ahmad can be seen in this image released on August 12, 2023. — Facebook/Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

The two-year tenure of Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, Federal Higher Education Commission chairman, will be completed on July 28 this year.


The Federal Ministry of Education and Professional Training has not yet issued an advertisement for the appointment of a new chairman, nor has a summary been sent to appoint Dr Mukhtar as chairman for the next two years.

Therefore, it is likely that a commission member of the HEC will get the charge of the post. According to sources, this is the second tenure of Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, and according to the rules of the HEC, if the third tenure is given, it will be illegal. However, this was not the second consecutive tenure of Dr Mukhtar, as in the middle, Dr Tariq Banuri was also appointed as chairman HEC, and to remove him, the tenure of the HEC chairman was reduced from four years to two years.

When The News asked Federal Secretary Education and Professional Training Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani about the advertisement of the HEC chairman’s post or likely extension of the tenure of Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, he refused to talk about it.
