Taliban told to ‘include women’ in public life at UN talks

July 02, 2024
A Taliban spokesman addresses a press conference in Kabul on June 29, 2024 — AFP

DOHA: Taliban authorities were told women must be included in public life, UN Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said on Monday as she defended a decision to sideline civil society groups at official talks in Doha.


Rights organisations have strongly criticised the controversial UN move to exclude the groups, including women´s rights activists, from the two-day summit on Afghanistan as the price for the Taliban government´s participation.

“Authorities will not sit across the table with Afghan civil society in this format, but they have heard very clearly the need to include women and civil society in all aspects of public life”, DiCarlo told a Doha news conference.

The UN-hosted meeting began on Sunday and is the third such summit to be held in Qatar in a little over a year, but the first to include the Taliban authorities who seized power in Afghanistan for a second time in 2021.

The talks were due to discuss increasing engagement with Afghanistan and a more coordinated response to the country, including economic issues and counter-narcotics efforts. In the aftermath of the Taliban´s return to power, the international community has wrestled with its approach to Afghanistan´s new rulers.

The Taliban government in Kabul has not been officially recognised by any other government since it took power in 2021. They refused an invitation to Doha talks in February, insisting on being the only Afghan representatives, to the exclusion of civil society groups. But their condition was accepted in the build-up to this latest round.
