The rise of Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122

By Imdad Soomro
July 02, 2024
The vehicles of theSindh Emergency Rescue Service (SERS) 1122 at KB Feeder, Jamshoro on Jun 30,2024. — Facebook/SindhRescue1122

Before 2021, the Sindh province lacked a coordinated response system for emergencies and disasters and the disaster management responsibilities were scattered across various departments, fire services were under local governments, and ambulances were operated by a mix of private companies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This fragmented approach left critical gaps in crucial areas like building collapse response, flood rescue, and disaster preparedness.


Sindh’s vulnerability to natural disasters like heatwaves, floods, and droughts, coupled with man-made incidents like accidents, fires, and explosions, painted a grim picture. The ever-expanding urban landscape further amplified the need for a swift and professional rescue service.

Recognizing this urgent need, the Government of Sindh (GoS) joined hands with the World Bank to establish the Sindh Emergency Rescue Service (SERS) 1122. Established in Karachi in May 2021 under the Sindh Resilience Project (SRP), SERS 1122 marked a turning point in emergency response for Sindh.

Through the SRP and subsequent projects, SERS 1122 has rapidly expanded its reach. District Headquarters have been established in six regions, with ten more planned. Additionally, sixteen Satellite Stations are being built along major highways, creating a comprehensive rescue network across Sindh.

One dial away from help: The cornerstone of SERS 1122’s success is its “one-window” service, where dialing 1122 connects citizens to a state-of-the-art central command center, equipped with advanced technology and a highly skilled team, ensuring timely and effective assistance for any type of emergency, from medical situations to fire and flood rescues.

A legislative milestone: The Sindh Assembly’s passage of the “Sindh Emergency Rescue Service Bill 2023” in August 2023 solidified SERS 1122’s role as a permanent fixture within the Government of Sindh. This legislative backing ensures continued growth and support for the vital services provided by SERS 1122.

Empowering women: SERS 1122 recognizes the importance of gender integration for a well-rounded emergency service. The organization is actively working to increase the inclusion of women in both management and rescue operations. This includes creating opportunities for women to take on leadership roles within SERS 1122, as well as developing specialized training programs that allow women to participate in rescue efforts suited to their strengths and skills.

Addressing gender-based needs: Taking a crucial step towards a more inclusive response system, SERS 1122 established a dedicated gender desk within its control command room. This desk is staffed by trained female gender desk officers who is providing sensitive and appropriate responses to calls concerning gender-based violence, harassment, or other emergencies affecting women and girl. This ensures that victims receive the necessary support and assistance throughout the emergency process.

Beyond the numbers: While the expansion of headquarters and stations showcases remarkable progress, the true success of SERS 1122 lies in the countless lives saved and communities empowered. The service offers a sense of security to the people of Sindh, knowing that a team of trained professionals, including women, is just a phone call away in their time of need.
