Awareness campaigns against drug abuse stressed

By Bureau report
July 01, 2024
A representational image shows a person preparing an injectable substance. — AFP/File

PESHAWAR: Participants of a seminar have laid stress on arranging frequent awareness-raising sessions for the protection of people, especially the young generation, from drug abuse and illicit trafficking.


The “Drug Awareness Seminar” was jointly organized by the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) and the Anti-Tobacco and Drug Control Committee of Khyber Medical University (KMU).

The event was attended by Brigadier Mazhar Hussain, Regional Director Commandant (RDC) KP, District Police Officer of Khyber, Saleem Abbas Kulachi, Member Anti-Tobacco and Drug Control Committee of KMU, Zia-ul-Haq Sarhadi, Chairman Anti-Drug Control Committee of Khyber Medical University, Dr Haji Bahadar, Deputy Director of ANF KP, Wajid Yousaf, students of different schools and people from different walks of life.

Member of the Anti-Tobacco Drug Control Committee of KMU, Ziaul Haq Sarhadi said such activities should be held on a regular basis throughout the year.He said that drug use was increasing at an alarming level, affecting our young generation and there was a dire need to take strict measures for prevention.

He appreciated the constitution of the Task Force by the KP government against drug trafficking besides declaring a state of emergency.Anti-Narcotics Force Director Brg Mazhar Hassan highlighted that youth were the most affected segment of society when it comes to drug abuse.

He pointed out that these drugs are primarily smuggled from neighboring countries, often using minors for transportation.Emphasizing the importance of the domestic environment in combating this issue, he noted that the Anti-Narcotics Force was conducting intelligence-based operations and maintaining a strict watch on drug peddlers.

Dr Haji Bahadar said Khyber Medical University had adopted the Higher Education Commission Policy on Drug and Tobacco Abuse in higher education institutions.
