Crackdown on underweight roti sale launched

By Bureau report
July 01, 2024
Commissioner Peshawar Division, Riaz Khan Mehsud chairs a meeting on April 24, 2024. — Facebook/Commissioner Peshawar Division, Peshawar

PESHAWAR: Commissioner Peshawar Division Riaz Khan Mahsud has initiated a crackdown on nanbais selling underweight roti.The action comes in response to complaints from local traders about the widespread issue of underweight and overpriced roti.


Effective immediately, the district administration and food department teams will conduct patrols in markets during early morning, noon, and evening hours to ensure compliance.Riaz Mahsud emphasised that bakers found guilty of malpractices would face severe penalties, including a minimum three-month jail term, shop closures, and substantial fines. Nanbais are also mandated to sell bread at the fixed price of Rs15.

“We are determined to provide relief to the public and ensure that all bakers adhere to the standards. Malpractice will not be tolerated,” stated the commissioner.During a meeting with deputy commissioners, assistant commissioners and food department officials, the commissioner sought a detailed report via the district special report (DSR) mechanism to closely monitor the situation.
