Emergency measures against dengue stressed

July 01, 2024
Islamabad Deputy Commissioner (DC) Islamabad, Irfan Nawaz Memon chairs a meeting on June 29, 2024. — Facebook/Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad

Islamabad Deputy Commissioner (DC) Islamabad, Irfan Nawaz Memon has chaired a weekly performance review meeting, which was attended by all deputy commissioners and assistant commissioners here.


The meeting focused on the anti-dengue campaign, following recent reports of dengue larvae in 53 locations and nine confirmed dengue cases in the city. The concerned officers provided updates on their actions and the measures taken against business centres where dengue larvae were detected.

The DC emphasised the need for urgent steps to combat dengue, particularly with the forecast of upcoming rains, which could lead to an increase in dengue cases. Addressing the participants, the DC expressed concern about the potential rise in cases due to the rains.

The DC directed that data on dengue cases should be collected from all hospitals and laboratories. He directed to strengthen the efforts, and the administrations of Rawalpindi and Islamabad would collaborate on countermeasures. An anti-dengue working group would be established to target the boundary areas of the twin cities, he added. Assistant Commissioners have been instructed to intensify anti-dengue operations in their respective areas, ensuring a comprehensive approach to control and prevent the spread of dengue. APP
