Pakistan’s challenges

By News Desk
July 01, 2024

Pakistan’s national security policy has shifted from geo-strategic to geo-economics. The use of economic leverages for geopolitical benefits is essential for Pakistan. This is particularly important when we see the non-conventional tools of war that are being used greatly in present times as hybrid warfare and cyber warfare. Pakistan can play an important role in connecting South Asia with the Middle East, Central Asia and other parts of the world. To exploit the geopolitical situation of Pakistan in the best sense of the word, Pakistan needs to become strong economically. We must develop a standard labour class and engineers, spend in human development, impart more vocational training and try for technological innovations.


Economic partnerships and trade agreements are also a significant means to become geo-economically vibrant. There are internal challenges such as sectarianism and extremism. There are trade imbalances and low exports. Environment sustainability is also a big challenge. But we will have to tackle them judiciously. Pakistan can exploit the blue economy. We have deserts, mountains, plains and even a vast potential for religious tourism.

Ghazala Anbreen

