Punjab CM approves Murree development plan: Tourist ‘glass train’ to run between Pindi, Murree

Punjab CM Maryam and PMLN President Nawaz Sharif co-chaired five-hour-long meeting in which Murree development plan was approved

By Ali Raza
June 30, 2024
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and PMLN President Muhammad Nawaz Sharif co-chaired a five-hour-long meeting in which the Murree development plan was approved on June 29, 2024. — Facebook/Maryamazing

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and PMLN President Muhammad Nawaz Sharif co-chaired a five-hour-long meeting in which the Murree development plan was approved.


The meeting accorded approval to development, beautification, transport, construction and rehabilitation projects as Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb gave a detailed briefing.

Approval was also given for the Rawalpindi-Murree tourist glass train project and it was decided to hire an international consultant for the project. A decision was made to remove high-rise hotel buildings obstructing the natural scenery of Mall Road Rawalpindi. It was further agreed to relocate the hotels from GPO Chowk to an alternative location. Uniform appearance, signs and colour schemes for old buildings on Mall Road were ordered to be implemented.

It was decided to restore the old names of cities, areas and historical buildings including that of Murree. Amendment to the building laws for construction in Murree and transferring the power of approval to the provincial government level were approved. A decision was made in principle to take action against officials who allowed illegal constructions.

A comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term plan for supply of drinking water was also presented. It was informed that the existing system would be repaired and restored, making it possible to supply over 600,000 gallons of clean water daily in Murree. RCC and tuff tiles would be laid on 53-kilometre-long streets of different villages in Murree.

A project to store rainwater for domestic use was approved, with the government supporting over 1,100 homes in storing rainwater.

The construction and expansion of old Rawalpindi-Murree-Kashmir Road was approved and temporary parking spaces would also be created on the Old Murree Road. The remodelling of Jhika Gali Chowk, removal of encroachments and construction and restoration of Lawrence College Road, Boostal Mor to Brewery Road were approved as well.

In Banser Gali Wildlife Park, tree houses, camping sites, walkways and terrace parking areas will be created. PIA and Bagh-e-Shaheedan Park’s entrances will be renovated and attractive walkways for tourists would be built.

A Murree biodiversity park would provide natural habitat for plants, birds and animals, along with picnic areas and tourist huts. An artist’s corner, walkways, walking tracks and eco-tourism promotion were also decided.

The meeting was informed that the task of constructing and repairing 16 internal roads in Murree had been completed. Briefings were also given on the upgradation of Samli Hospital, streetlights and public toilets.

CM Maryam Nawaz ordered for immediate legislation to restore old names and install memorials in every city in accordance with their history and traditions.

Nawaz Sharif emphasized not to trouble the poor, and the government would set up stalls itself. CM Maryam said that Murree had improved significantly and would be made the best for the public. Various proposals for parking lots in Murree were also reviewed. Thirteen illegal constructions and encroachments were demolished in Murree.

Meanwhile, CM Maryam Nawaz expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief over the loss of lives in a collision between an ambulance and a tanker in Attock. She ordered the best medical facilities to the injured and said that action should be taken against those guilty.
