KWSC officials told to ensure fair water supply across city

By Our Correspondent
June 30, 2024
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Karachi Water Sewerage Corporation (KWSC) Engineer Asadullah Khan speaks during his video message in this Still, April 17, 2024. — Facebook/Karachi Water & Sewerage Corporation

The chief operating officer (COO) of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation (KWSC), Engineer Asadullah Khan, on Friday instructed water corporation officials to implement measures aimed at ensuring fair and efficient water distribution throughout the city.


During a meeting held at his office, Khan emphasised the urgency of resolving complaints regarding water shortages promptly. He underscored that enhancing water supply services for citizens was among the organisation’s foremost objectives.

Present at the meeting were chief engineers from the divisions of Water Distribution, Bulk, and Water Trunkman, alongside superintending and executive engineers. Detailed discussions ensued on various proposals to enhance water supply infrastructure across Karachi. It was unanimously agreed that all available resources would be maximized to improve water distribution.

COO Khan issued directives to the chief engineers overseeing Water Distribution, Bulk, and Water Trunkman divisions, stressing the need for enhanced performance to mitigate water shortages in the city. He articulated stringent expectations for all officers, emphasizing the immediate resolution of citizen complaints related to water scarcity.

“Increasing the efficiency of our water distribution systems is crucial to ensuring uninterrupted water supply for Karachi’s residents,” Khan asserted. Efforts were now underway within the KWSC to implement these directives promptly, aiming to alleviate water supply challenges and uphold service standards across Karachi.
