Resolution row

By News Desk
June 30, 2024

This letter refers to the editorial ‘Resolution 901’ (June 28). From the cipher saga to the Resolution 901 development, the US has come a long way in the eyes of a divided spectrum of Pakistani politicians. Former president Dr Arif Alvi is praising this resolution whereas the sitting government’s defence and foreign ministers are unhappy and foreign minister is even indicating that a counter resolution will be passed in Pakistan’s parliament. A useless exercise. Going all out against the US’ whims has its own ramifications as Pakistan is currently trying to correct the course of a fading economy and in order to do that, they need IMF support which tends to move in the direction the US points to and follows its dictates. This is a very tricky situation for Pakistan.


With the precarious internal security situation and strife on the political front and shaky investor confidence, the country appears to be bereft of good news. On the flipside, as hollow as the cipher threat was, this resolution does not bear any weight in terms of actual US policy towards Pakistan. Pakistan should not be too worried about this development and as the editorial says, it should keep its focus on resolving economic, political and security difficulties at hand.

Anas A Khan


