East DIG sets up monitoring room for Muharram security arrangements

By Our Correspondent
June 28, 2024
DIG East Zone Ghulam Azfar Mahesar speaks during a video interview on undated still. — Screengrab via Facebook/DIGP Azfar Mahesar PSP/File

In view of the arrival of Muharramul Haram, the Karachi police have started making security arrangements. In this regard, the Zone East police held their first meeting on Thursday to discuss security measures during Muharram.


The meeting was chaired by East Zone DIG Ghulam Azfar Mahesar at the DIG East office. Senior police officers from East Zone, senior Rangers officers, Korangi deputy commissioner, representatives from civil administration, Shia scholars, procession organisers and scout representatives attended the meeting. Shia scholars and procession organisers informed the DIG about their security concerns, to which he directed police officers to prioritise resolving these security issues.

DIG Mahesar gave directives to police to maintain 24-hour contact with procession organisers and permit holders for gatherings. He said their issues should be resolved by visiting the locations in person. He also ordered the establishment of a monitoring room at the DIG East office to oversee the security arrangements for processions and Muharram gatherings 24 hours a day.
