Princess Anne's health is more serious as it creates chaos in royal family

Princess Anne has a passion of horse riding

By Web Desk
June 27, 2024
The Princess Royal sustained "minor injuries and a concussion" on Sunday evening

Princess Anne's medical condition is more severe or critical than previously thought or reported as she continues to recover in Bristol's Southmead Hospital, it has been claimed.

The Princess Royal sustained "minor injuries and a concussion" on Sunday evening due to a horse-related incident at her estate.


After visiting her in the hospital this week, her husband, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, stated that her recovery would be a lengthy process.

Speaking to GB News, Former Royal Editor Duncan Larcombe feared her condition may be "worse" than first thought, and could be more serious than a "concussion".

Detailing the latest on Princess Anne's health, Larcombe told GB News: "It certainly suggests that perhaps whatever had happened to her, it's worse than concussion, because I don't think you'd be kept that long in hospital for a simple concussion.

"It's more bad health news for a family that, as we know this year, has had a bit of a horrific start."

Noting the cause of Princess Anne's injuries, which are suggested to be "consistent with a kick or head-butt from a horse", Larcombe admitted he was "surprised" the royal suffered such an incident due to her experience with horses.

Larcombe told hosts Ellie and Stephen: "When you know horses that well, you know where you stand, you know which horses are which and their different temperaments.

"So it's certainly a bit of a surprise that she would suffer from being kicked by a horse, if indeed that's what happened."
