Player AI: blending cricket with AI

Muhammad Omar Iftikhar’s latest book, Player AI, presents an appealing science fiction narrative that explores...

By FD.Sheikh
June 28, 2024


Muhammad Omar Iftikhar’s latest book, Player AI, presents an appealing science fiction narrative that explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning in sports. Set against the backdrop of the T20 Cricket World Cup, Omar conceives a tale centered on the Pakistan cricket team and its overseeing body, the Pakistan Cricket Alliance (PCA). Omar captures the intensity of cricket matches, immersing readers in the heart-pounding action with vivid portrayals of the game. Every moment, from the resonant crack of bat against ball to the thunderous applause of the crowd, is depicted with meticulous detail.


The narrative focuses on Yasir Ehsan, the resolute captain of Pakistan’s T20 squad, who collapses during a practice session and is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Beyond the thrill of the game, readers are compelled to ponder deeper themes when the PCA secretly introduces Player AI, an android originally intended as a practice partner for the team. However, with the T20 World Cup just weeks away and the eager desire of Pakistani fans and the media to witness Yasir Ehsan’s prowess in the tournament, the PCA is compelled to execute their covert plan. Player AI, an exact replica of the T20 Captain in appearance and abilities, raises questions about obedience versus autonomy, given its advanced machine learning capabilities and its ability to overshadow human thought.

Omar uses his imagination to link technology and AI with the sport of cricket, which holds a special place in the minds of Pakistanis. Themes of leadership, loyalty, and sacrifice intersect with concepts of identity, inclusion, and the existential significance of humans and sentient beings, personified by Player AI. Moments of introspection arise as Player AI poses puzzling questions to the PCA, while instances of humor will bring a smile to readers’ faces.

Published by Daastan Publishing, with whom Omar has previously collaborated on 20 Steps to Writing Articles (2022), Player AI marks a significant addition to Omar’s literary endeavors. This is Omar’s second venture into science fiction, following his debut novel, Divided Species (2020), in which extraterrestrial beings visited Karachi to unearth an alien artifact. It was the first science fiction novel set in Karachi authored by a Pakistani. Player AI, on the other hand, is the only science fiction story by a Pakistani that is based on the game of cricket.

As the T20 World Cup unfolds within the narrative, the stakes soar, with Player AI’s performance emerging as fundamental to the team’s success. However, questions of ethics and morality arise, challenging the boundaries of both technology and human intervention.

Omar uses sports to contemplate the frontiers of technological innovation as Player AI looks into the ethical and moral predicaments surrounding AI-based athletes and explores how the relationship between man and machine will evolve if such athletes become a reality in the near future. Player AI blends sports, speculative fiction, and human drama within the Pakistani context. With its engaging narrative, well-rounded characters, and seamless storyline, the story offers a captivating investigation of the intersection between technology and the human psyche.
