Charity programme supports children in need

June 05, 2024
A Pakistani medic treats a baby girl at Hospital in Pakistan. — AFP/File

Islamabad: Marking a significant milestone in its journey, the Islamabad China-Pakistan Youth One Heart Step and Cure Home (ICOSH) completed its first year of operation, successfully providing timely assistance to 65 critically ill patients, ensuring they have a safe shelter and adequate food.


Alongside this, the initiative has provided long-term care to 15 orphans, bringing the warmth of a home into their lives, as well as regular educational support to another 20 orphans, including local curriculum and Chinese language classes, with a goal of fostering their integration into society and brighter futures, Gwadar Pro reported on Tuesday. Focused on assisting children orphaned by the 2022 floods, war orphans from the Kashmir region, and severely ill children residing temporarily, the project is a joint effort between the Beijing-based charity One Heart Sphere Charity Foundation (BOHS), the Islamabad-based volunteer organization China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community (CPYEC), and the Pakistani non-go-

vernmental organization (NG­O) Step and Cure.
