Germany introduces 'Opportunity Card' visa for non EU-members

The card will allow an applicant to enter Germany and search for work for a maximum of one year

By Web Desk
June 04, 2024
Germany is looking to attract more skilled workers from outside the EU.— Germany Visa/File

Skilled workers from outside of the European Union can now easily move to Germany and seek work for up to a year, thanks to a new visa scheme.

Germany has introduced a new visa system called the "Opportunity Card," also known as the Chancenkarte in German.


Anyone who has at least two years of vocational training, possesses a university degree recognised in the country it was obtained in, and has knowledge of German and English can apply for the new visa.

A points system will be used to determine an applicant's eligibility for the scheme based on their age, German ties, professional experience, and language proficiency. A card can only be obtained with a minimum of six points.

A card will allow an applicant to enter Germany and search for work for a maximum of one year. Participants in the programme are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week in trial or part-time positions throughout that period.

Under the plan, non-EU citizens who wish to work in Germany will no longer need to show proof of a contract with a German employer in order to be allowed entry.

The new visa scheme is part of a package of legislation that aims to remedy Germany's acute shortage of skilled labour.
