Age reversal is possible: Results of living 93 days under water may hold secret to immortality

Joseph Dituri's groundbreaking study showed an increase in stem cells and overall improved health

By Web Desk
May 20, 2024
Dituri broke the record for the longest time living underwater at ambient pressure. — Mirror/File

In yet another incredible development highlighting humanity's relentless quest for immortality, Joseph Dituri, a retired naval officer, has reportedly turned back the clock on his age by a decade, scientists deduced after examining the man at a genetic level.

Joseph Dituri, after spending 93 days submerged in a 100-square-foot pod at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean as part of a groundbreaking study, emerged looking ten years younger, the Mirror reported.


Scientists wanted to know the effects of living underwater in a pressurised environment on the human body.

When he came out, medical assessments were conducted, which revealed that "Dituri's telomeres, the DNA caps at the ends of chromosomes that typically shrink with age, were 20% longer than before his dive."

His stem cell count had also skyrocketed, and his overall health metrics had undergone a remarkable transformation.

In addition, Dituri also experienced a significant improvement in his sleep quality, with 60 to 66% of his nights now spent in deep REM sleep. His cholesterol levels plummeted by 72 points, and his inflammatory markers had been slashed in half.

These transformations were attributed to the underwater pressure, which is known to have numerous positive effects on the body.

Dituris research has shed light on how human bodies respond in pressurised environments for a longer period of time.
