US Mail

Please hold a poetry writing competition soon, as I have been waiting for it for a while. Looking forward to reading amazing poems in Us magazine....

By US Desk
May 17, 2024


Dear Ed,


I love Us magazine, and my favourite section is ‘Poet’s Corner’. I am glad that the mag is showcasing the talent of our young poets. I, however, find the anguish and sadness disheartening in most poems. I know poets reflect what they feel, but I cannot help thinking if the conditions in our country were better, there would be less anguish and more joy. Please hold a poetry writing competition soon, as I have been waiting for it for a while. Looking forward to reading amazing poems in Us magazine.

Sabeen Koreshi, Karachi

Hello Editor,

In the last few editions of Us, I was happy to see Pakistani sportsmen and women on the back cover. I would also like to see interesting historical pictures of our country on the back page. I remember once seeing the picture of the Flag Staff House, which is also known as The Quaid-e-Azam House. When I visited Karachi a couple of months back, I made it a point to see it for myself. On my trip, I also saw Mohatta Palace, and I think it also deserves to be on the back cover. It’s a beautiful building and museum, worth visiting. Pakistan has a wealth of architecture which should be explored by our young people. Hope to see more such pictures in the future.

Amna Ali, Lahore

Hi Ed,

I loved the interview of Shoaib Hassan in this week’s Us (10 May). I am watching drama serial Shiddat nowadays, and Shoaib is simply fantastic in his role. Ed, A dark and stormy night (3 May and 10 May issues) by Farah Tiwana was good. I love reading stories by Us writers, but in recent time I haven’t read many in the mag. I wish to see a new serialized story soon. Keep up the good work!

Mahrukh Ahmed, Karachi


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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