Khuhro asks CJP to take notice of Pir Pagara’s remarks ‘judges will support martial law’

By Aftab Ahmed
February 18, 2024

HYDERABAD: Sindh Pakistan Peoples Party President Nisar Khuhro has asked the Supreme Court chief justice to take notice of Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) chief Pir Pagara’s remarks that if martial law is imposed in the country, the judiciary will support it.

President PPP Sindh Nisar Ahmed Khoro speaks during a press conference along with Senator Moula Bux Chandio, at Qureshi House on February 17, 2024. — Online

Speaking at a press conference in Hyderabad on Saturday, Khuhro said the “speech of martial law in the country” is against the constitution, but the GDA, JUI and PTI “are inviting martial law by creating a crisis situation in the country”.

He said the way of martial law has been blocked by the 18th Amendment. “Just as Imran Khan said that if I am not the prime minister, then drop an atomic bomb on the country, similarly now the GDA and the JUI do not like democracy and they want 58-2b, but this provision has been removed from the constitution,” he said, adding that because of this, the 18th Amendment is becoming a thorn in the side of parties with non-democratic thinking. The PPP leader said the country cannot afford an undemocratic system. He said independent members who have been elected are not in the majority position to form the government, which is also a failure of the PTI.

He said, “Pir Pagara, tell me from where you got the share. Instead of campaigning, you sat at home.” Pir Pagada left his candidates helpless in the elections and did not conduct any election campaign, and now they are allowing sit-ins at the behest of someone, he alleged.

Khuhro said that these sit-in parties are protesting for their livelihood, but the democratic forces will not engage in blackmailing anyone, and anti-democratic conspiracies will be countered.

He said that the new government will complete its five-year term, and the PPP will not sit on the government benches in the National Assembly, but it is the PPP’s democratic right to nominate candidates for constitutional positions.

He said that the people of Sindh have given the mandate to the Peoples Party, “so what sin did the people of Sindh commit that the sit-ins are being held in Sindh? When did GDA and JUI ever win in Sindh before?” He asked the JUI to go and protest in the province where it has been defeated.

He said the PPP leadership will announce the name of the next chief minister of Sindh after consultation before the Sindh Assembly session. He added that the PPP wants to keep the 18th amendment in the same form in which there is no room for tampering with constitution, and any amendment to the constitution is possible with a two-thirds majority.

He said that there was no contact with the MQM-Pakistan regarding its proposed amendment to the constitution to empower the local governments.
