Can noise-cancelling headphones really help people with ADHD?

People with ADHD find it difficult to focus in noisy settings unlike most individuals

By Web Desk
January 23, 2024
A person wearing headphones. — X/additude

Certain individuals withattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may benefit from using noise-cancelling headphones, as per specialists and medical professionals.

Those who suffer from ADHD frequently find it difficult to focus in noisy settings, such as shared offices.


The sound of a phone ringing, coworkers striking up a conversation, or even the sounds of someone nearby preparing coffee can all be considered distractions.

“Many individuals with ADHD have a hard time filtering out extraneous sounds,” Justin Puder, PhD, a psychologist based in Boca Raton, Florida, told Health.

“Someone without ADHD might not even [notice] a little background sound—like the printer going off—but an individual with ADHD might focus in on it,” he explained. “So in environments with different noises that pop up and disappear, it can be difficult to stay focused.”

Because of this, individuals with ADHD may find it helpful to experiment with noise-cancelling headphones at work or in other environments where concentration is required.

"Though ADHD varies from person to person, being easily distracted by noises could be a part of a person's symptom profile," Kendra Mathys, PsyD, a psychologist at Cleveland Clinic, told Health.

“If external noises are a distraction, being able to minimise that with noise-cancelling headphones could be helpful,” she said.
