Bradley Cooper’s HATES ‘chairs’ on set, here’s why

‘Maestro’ director Bradley Cooper details on ‘natural transition’ to film direction and strict rules

By Web Desk
December 16, 2023
Bradley Cooper reveals why he 'hates' chairs while directing movies

Bradley Cooper is a man of rules.

When directing a film, Bradley Cooper has certain crucial on-set guidelines. In the most recent installment of Variety's Actors on Actorsseries, Spike Lee receives advice from Maestro, the director, producer, and star, on what he expects from a film.


"For me, it was such a natural transition, once I had the courage to write and direct a movie," Cooper expressed what he felt of moving from acting to behind-the-camera work.

"But when I direct, I don't watch playback. There's no chairs. I've always hated chairs on sets; your energy dips the minute you sit down in a chair. There's no video village," he added.

Cooper also revealed having a largely closed set, explaining, "When we shoot the movie, no one’s allowed on set. [Producer] Steven Spielberg came three times, but other than him, there's nobody. It has to be a sanctuary."

Cooper went all in for Maestro, inhabiting the persona of Leonard Bernstein for the entire shooting.

"American Hustle was the first time I saw an actor stay in the voice of a character. It was Christian Bale. I had heard stories about Daniel Day-Lewis. I couldn't figure out how someone could do that. Then I realized I was overthinking it," Cooper said.

He further said, "Christian just stayed in the voice, but we talked about his kids. It wasn't like he saw an iPhone and had a heart attack. Ever since American Hustle, that’s how I've done it as an actor."
