US Mail

In Pakistan, the ever-increasing cases of child abuse paint a grim picture. According to a report by Sahil, an NGO that works to protect children suffering from abuse ....

By US Desk
December 01, 2023

Child abuse must end

Dear Ed,


In Pakistan, the ever-increasing cases of child abuse paint a grim picture. According to a report by Sahil, an NGO that works to protect children suffering from abuse, around 12 children were sexually abused per day from January to June in 2023, with approximately 2,227 cases reported this year. The children who experienced abuse suffered from extreme injuries, bruises, self-harm, depression, anxiety, and even psychological issues, resulting in some losing their lives. These incidents are significant disruptions to their childhood and future.

I humbly request the government to focus on this very serious issue. I believe it is the responsibility of everyone to report abuse if they happen to witness it, and do what they can in their individual capacities to help the suffering children.

Jalashk Balach, Dasht


Dear Editor,

My son is a regular reader of Us magazine, and he has recently introduced me to some of your fine articles and other segments, which have proved to be surprisingly good.

In your issue of 17th November, I was especially moved by the poem written by a young Palestinian poet, Nadine Murtaja, full of indescribable pathos. And the cover story, ‘The history of computers’ by Zakeriya Ali was really interesting, too.

Please keep up your excellent work.

Omar Khan, Peshawar

Hey Ed,

I read the cover story ‘Muhammad Waleem – an inspiration for the youth’ (10 November) with interest. I wish him great success in his endeavours. I feel universities should award credits to students for community services, as this will motivate more and more students to help out old people and others in need. Ed, I love Poets’ Corner and my favourite poet is Sa’ad Nazeer. I think Abid Agha has a lot of potential, too. I have read only two of his poems, but liked them very much.

Amna Khan, Karachi


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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