The Spotify AI DJ is so awesome. It somehow knows I want to listen to a little bit of “Thursday music” (?) followed by 12 of the worst songs ever recorded....

By US Desk
November 10, 2023

* Zach Dunn (zachbdunn): The Spotify AI DJ is so awesome. It somehow knows I want to listen to a little bit of “Thursday music” (?) followed by 12 of the worst songs ever recorded.

* Rob Delaney (robdelaney): Straight up physically sick that my wife won’t trust me to use our kids’ college savings as part of my Bitcoin journey.


* Rainn Wilson (rainnwilson): I think he’s old enough now to change his name to Ryan Goose.

* Frankie Boyle (frankieboyle): Starting to think Tony Blair didn’t do an amazing job as Middle East Peace Envoy.

Points to ponder

“It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.” – Robert Fulghum

Laugh lines Hiccups

A man rushes into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist for something guaranteed to stop hiccups.

The pharmacist slowly pours a glass of water, and when it is full, he picks it up, suddenly screams at the top of his lungs, and throws the water into the man’s face.

“Why did you do that?” the man yells angrily.

“Well, you don’t have hiccups now do you?” replies the pharmacist.

“NO!” shouts the man. “But my wife in the car still does!”
