Students display talent at Children’s Complex exhibition

By Saadia Salahuddin
November 08, 2023
— Reporter

LAHORE: The Children’s Library Complex wore a festive look with stalls in the verandahs showcasing products made by children and projects on display in the playground.


The whole place was flooded with school children, teachers and visitors. It was largely an exhibition of products made by school children with recycled materials to protect eco-system and save money and energy, as they said. The many life skills such as personal hygiene, organization, cooking, sewing, gardening, house-keeping, changing water filters and switches— being taught at school, was also showcased. The confidence with which students talked about their work, be it that of class 1, was heartening.

The Trust School projects were Climate Gladiators, Trash to Treasure (recycle, reduce, reuse), Save Nature, Save Earth, Screen Time vs Green Time. Children had made functional vacuum cleaners, desert cooler, water dispenser, vending machine and ATM among other things.

There was a model of park by The Spirit School in which the carnival ride and cup ride were going round and round. Model of a train with recycled materials and that of a dragon made with Rs5 coins by Punjab School students were eye-catching. NECS had made models of classroom, clinic, police station and farm.

Little boys and girls in ethnic dresses presented traditional dance while the exhibition opened with the drum beats. There was an exciting exhibition at the rear end of the Children Library Complex, that of pets.

There were variety of birds; love birds, grey parrot, green parrots, wild with long tails, batairs, chakor, teetar, plum head, pigeons, budgies. There was a remarkable big fat hen for whom the cage it was in, was small. There were rabbits, dogs and cats and a lion. The three-month-old lion was extremely active. It was not in cage but playing with his owners.
