Gaza needs us

October 12, 2023

The ongoing war between Israel and Palestine seems unstoppable. The conflict between Hamas and the Israeli forces have created a tense situation across the world. Israel has killed hundreds of Gazans, including children and women, and is hammering the city with countless air strikes. This does not end there. Exposing its brutality, Israel has also decided to cut off the supply of water, food and electricity to Gaza.


While the two million people of Gaza witnessed the worst time of their lives, the UN remains silent. It has failed to handle the situation and seems toothless. European countries, the UK, and the US are also not showing any concern to stop these attacks. For now, Qatar and Turkey have taken a bold stance and offered to play their role as mediators. We do not know what will happen next, but it is essential to remind the world that the UN and the world’s ‘powerful’ countries are responsible for stepping up and saving the lives of Gazans.

Abdul Ahad Ghunyo



Airstrikes by Israel in Gaza are deplorable. The continuous bombing in the city needs to stop. The world also needs to understand that the Palestinian Resistance is a result of Israel’s years-long human rights violations against Palestinians. The humiliation and suffering faced by Palestinians should be a matter of great concern for all Muslim-majority countries.

Now is the time for the OIC to strongly condemn the ongoing war and respond to the plight of Palestinian Muslims – keeping all political or economic interests aside. The organization must stand up against these injustices, prioritizing the principles of justice and compassion over political alliances. In these challenging times, one hopes to see the Muslim world united in its efforts to address the suffering of Palestinians.

Mujeeb Ali Samo



This refers to the news report ‘Saudi Arabia trying to contain Israel-Hamas fighting, says Mohammed bin Salman’ (Oct 10). While the efforts of MBS are a welcome first step, equally important is to raise voice against the inhumane Israeli blockade and get essential supplies to the besieged people of Gaza. Real peace can come only through the establishment of a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel, followed by normalization of relations of the Muslim world with Israel. In fact, with the agreement of Arab League members, the Saudi government had offered this deal to Israel in 2002, 2007 and 2012. However, Israeli’s fanatic desire for an exclusive state – with all Palestinians thrown out – came in the way.

Unfortunately, US President Joe Biden and his Western allies keep supporting, encouraging and pampering Israel instead of forcing it to behave. As a result, both Palestinians and Israeli civilians continue to suffer needlessly. The only winner in the situation is the corrupt, cruel and dictatorial Netanyahu who has now got a new lease of life.

SRH Hashmi

