The soon to be angry waiter

A man, looking sad, walks into a restaurant and says, ‘Bring me a beef steak and a cold drink before the problems start!

By US Desk
October 06, 2023


A man, looking sad, walks into a restaurant and says, ‘Bring me a beef steak and a cold drink before the problems start!’ The waiter is confused, but obliges.


The man eats his steak and finishes his drink, then says ‘Bring me coffee before the problems start!’

The waiter gives him coffee and asks, ‘Hey, shall I bring the bill?’

The man answers, ‘See! Now the problems start!’

A shady coincidence

A lawyer and an engineer went fishing.

The lawyer said: ‘You’d never believe it but I’m here because my house burned down. Everything was destroyed by the fire. But my insurance paid for everything.’

‘That’s quite a coincidence,’ said the engineer.

‘I’m here because my house and all my belongings were destroyed by a flood, and my insurance company also paid for everything.’

The lawyer looked somewhat confused.

‘How do you start a flood?’
