Doc Antle, who appeared in Tiger King ofNetflix, was found guilty of animal traffickingin Virginia.
In relation to the sale and purchase of endangered animals, the zoo owner and animal trainer wasfound guilty on four felony charges.
Antle who owns a zoo in South Carolina came under investigation in 2019 after he purchased endangered lion cubs to be displayed at his zoo.
Virginia Attorney General announced on June 20, 2023, that the Doc has been convicted on four felony charges, two counts of wildlife trafficking, and two counts of conspiring of wildlife trafficking.
Virginia AG expressed his pleasure towards his team for tirelessly working.
He said, “The animal cruelty laws of the state are not taken lightly by my office. I am thrilled that the jury sent a strong message by convicting Antle that wildlife trafficking would not be tolerated.”
“The convict will be sentenced on September 14, 2023.” Virginia AG told.
Doc was previously arrested on charges of money laundering in South Carolina. He paid 250,000$ for release and is still awaiting trial, reports Entertainment Weekly.
Antle Doc was featured in Netflix’s Tiger King spin-off The Doc Antle Story.
Entertainment Weekly also reported rejoicing of Carole Baskin, an animal rights activist, over the Antle’s conviction from the court.