News Analysis: Unravelling mystery of youth’s departure

By Farrukh Saleem
June 20, 2023

In a nation grappling with a worrisome trend, the departure of young minds from Pakistan begs the question: why are they so eager to escape? Delving into the issue, two key factors emerge as the culprits: political instability and a dearth of meritocracy. The relentless tide of political upheaval, marked by frequent leadership changes, feeble governance, and a lack of policy continuity, breeds an environment of perpetual uncertainty. Within this volatile landscape, the confidence of the youth in their homeland’s future wanes, propelling them towards more stable shores.

Then there’s this glaring absence of meritocracy. The stark reality looms large: our society is marred by the pervasive stains of nepotism, favoritism, and a distressing dearth of equal opportunities based on merit. This discourages talented young individuals from pursuing their ambitions in Pakistan. Pakistani youth feel that their abilities and qualifications are not adequately recognized or rewarded within the Pakistani ‘system’. This disillusionment fuels a sense of frustration and resentment, leaving them yearning for recognition and equal treatment, seeking greener pastures where their talents can be more or less appreciated. They set their sights on foreign horizons, where their talents can find solace and appreciation.


Pakistan truly stands at a crossroads. We are confronted by an imminent loss of our most valuable asset—our youth. Our talented youth are seeking solace in foreign lands. Our political leadership must confront the underlying issues head-on if the decision makers wish to reverse this alarming trend. Our decision makers must undertake two concerted efforts: they must address the deep-seated political instability and they must dismantle the barriers to meritocracy. We must inspire our young minds to stay, to invest their talents, and to contribute towards a brighter tomorrow, where Pakistan’s true potential can be realized.

Young Pakistanis leaving Pakistan is a significant concern for Pakistan as it poses challenges to Pakistan’s development, brain drain, and our demographic imbalances. To be certain, there are political undercurrents fueling the departure of young Pakistanis. When exploring the reasons behind the exodus of young minds from Pakistan, it becomes evident that politics plays a more prominent role than economics.

To stem the tide of young Pakistanis leaving Pakistan, concerted efforts by our decision makers are required on at least three fronts: establish a more stable political environment, foster meritocracy and equal opportunities plus create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and innovation by providing startup support, access to funding, and mentorship programs.
