Secretary Industries and Commerce Ehsan Bhutta on Tuesday visited the Govt College of Technology Railway Road, which is one of the oldest institutes of the Technical and Vocational Training Authority (Tevta).
The secretary appreciated innovative, sustainable ideas of students, especially, Hybrid Bike that won UET competition. Tevta management apprised the secretary that the industry is showing interest purchasing 25 Hybrid Bikes from them. The secretary witnessed several models prepared by the students of technical colleges of Lahore, Sahiwal, Gujrat and Sialkot etc. This competition was organised by Tevta for highlighting students’ practical knowledge.
The secretary visited the Architecture Department building of the institute, where teachers and students displayed various models. Students and teachers from the Govt Pilot Higher Secondary School Wahdat Colony also visited the Govt College of Technology Railway Road, where, they were briefed about the importance of technical education. The students also visited college labs and took keen interest in exhibition.