Attention Facebook users: Claim your share of $725m settlement

If you had Facebook account between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022, there is chance that you could receive sum of money

By Web Desk
April 18, 2023
Image mobile page on a mobile Safari browse.— Unsplash

If you had a Facebook account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, and used the platform at any point during that period, there is a chance that you could receive a sum of money. This is because Meta, the social media company, has been instructed by a court to pay a total of $725 million (£582 million) to users.

The legal action against Meta alleged that the company had made user data, as well as information about their friends, available to third parties without their consent. Despite denying any wrongdoing, Meta has been required to provide compensation to affected users.


To claim a portion of the payout, it is necessary to submit your claim before August 25, 2023. However, it should be noted that, due to the vast number of users involved, the payout is not expected to be substantial.

To be eligible for the compensation, you must have been a Facebook user residing in the US between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. You will be required to provide your Facebook username and the phone number associated with your account.

The lawsuit alleged that Meta had mishandled the data of tens of millions of Facebook users, which was linked to the Cambridge Analytica scandal. According to lawyers at Keller Rohrback, the personal information of up to 87 million Facebook users may have been collected by the company. This data was subsequently utilised by the Trump and Brexit campaigns to influence elections and political campaigns in 2016.

Keller Rohrback lawyers claimed: "Facebook has allegedly known about Cambridge Analytica's improper data collection since 2015 and failed to take action to stop the activity or notify users until March 2018."
