Turkish CG announces annual scholarship in Turkiye for SMIU students

By Our Correspondent
January 07, 2023

KARACHI:Turkish Consul General Cemal Sangu said that relations between Pakistan and Turkiye are quite friendly, adding that the Turkish government is trying to strengthen these brotherly relationships further.


He expressed these views during a meeting with Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU) Vice Chancellor Dr Mujeeb Sahrai, and the deans and other officials of the university. Sangu said that the people of Pakistan, especially those of Sindh, possess mystical thoughts, adding that this land of Sindh has a number of prominent mystic poets like Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.

Similarly, he said, Turks are believers of Sufism and they also have a saint-poet, Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi. Hence, he added, efforts are under way to bring the people of Sindh and other provinces of Pakistan closer to Turks for spreading love and harmony in the world.

Tracing the relationship of Sindh with Turkey, he said that SMIU founder Hassanally Effendi had strong relations with Turkey’s Ottoman rulers. That is why he was given the titles of ‘Bey’ and ‘Effendi’ by the Sultan of Turkiyein the 19th century, he added. “The government of Turkiyefeels proud of the services Khan Bahadur Hassanally Bey Effendi rendered for the promotion of modern education in Sindh by establishing the great institute of Sindh Madressatul Islam,” said the CG.He added that the Turkish government, in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Antiquities of the Government of Sindh is working to restore the home and tomb of Effendi in Hyderabad city.

“There has been no proper care and cleanliness at the home and the last resting place of Khan Bahadur Hassanally Effendi. Moreover, a narrow street leads there, so no vehicle can pass through it. That’s why our team members went there on foot,” he said, adding that they have requested the Hyderabad commissioner for getting the street cleared.

He announced a PhD scholarship for an SMIU student at Turkey’s University of Ankara or University of Istanbul. “This first scholarship will be given to a female student on a poverty-cum-merit basis. The SMIU will nominate its deserving candidate for it.”He said that this scholarship will be given to an SMIU student every year due to the association and relationship of its founder, Hassanally Effendi, with Turkiye.
