Strategy to emerge soon why march going to Pindi: Imran

By News Desk
November 21, 2022
Former premier and PTI Chairman Imran Khan. — Instagram

LAHORE: Former premier and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan said on Sunday the PTI strategy would emerge soon why the long march was going to Rawalpindi, instead of Islamabad.


In a meeting with some journalists at his Zaman Park residence here, he talked about his strategy for the upcoming rally in Rawalpindi on Nov 26. He said he would reveal PTI’s future strategy soon.

To a question by a journalist, he said he had a surprise for his opponents which he would give on Nov 26, adding that he would surprise everyone on the day.

Setting aside all intelligence reports relating to fears of another attack on his life, the PTI chairman vowed to reach Rawalpindi at all costs. “I know that my life is in danger. There may be another attack, but despite all the threats, I would reach Rawalpindi,” Imran Khan said.

“I know that my wounds cannot heal soon. I will lead the long march with the wounded leg,” he added.

The PTI chief said the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) coalition government had sent messages to them via President Arif Alvi. However, he added, his only demand was free and fair election; they could talk out other issues once the date for the elections was announced. He said political parties had lost the public support and that was why they wanted to escape from elections.

The former premier said that despite using all the state machinery, the PDM could not find anything against him except for the Toshakhana gift watch. He was sure the gift watch propaganda would be exposed in the court.

He claimed that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had been trapped in London court, and it appeared that he would resort to an out-of-court settlement there too.

The PTI chairman said he believed in appointment of the army chief on merit. He said he had no objection to whoever becomes the next Chief of the Army Staff (COAS).

The PDM government has been trapped from all directions; they would lose badly if they call for elections and the country would default if they don’t, he claimed.

Imran demanded that killers of journalist Arshad Sharif should be taken to task and punished according to the law.

Meanwhile, PTI Chairman Imran Khan summoned an important meeting of the central leadership of his party to finalise preparations for the Azadi March at his Zaman Park residence in Lahore, said the party sources.

The sources privy to the matter said that PTI senior leaders Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Asad Umar would brief the participants about the route and caravans of the long march moving towards the capital.

The meeting would also deliberate on the party’s future plan and workers’ participation in the long march in Rawalpindi.
