Friday March 14, 2025

Argentinean ambassador hosts reception for new envoys

Islamabad To welcome the new envoys from the European Union -- Jean-François Cautain and Mrs Sonia Cautain; Italy -- Stefano Pontecorvo and Mrs. Lidia Ravera Pontecorvo; Norway -- Tore Nedrebo; the Philippines -- Daniel Ramos Espiritu and Uzbekistan - Furkat Sidikov and Mrs. Gulchehra Sidikova also including the ambassador of

By Ishrat Hyatt
November 06, 2015
To welcome the new envoys from the European Union -- Jean-François Cautain and Mrs Sonia Cautain; Italy -- Stefano Pontecorvo and Mrs. Lidia Ravera Pontecorvo; Norway -- Tore Nedrebo; the Philippines -- Daniel Ramos Espiritu and Uzbekistan - Furkat Sidikov and Mrs. Gulchehra Sidikova also including the ambassador of Algeria -- Lakhal Benkelai and Fatiha Benkelai and Kenya -- Julius Kibet Bitok, who have been here for some time, the ambassador of Argentina, Rodolfo Martin-Saravia and Mrs Susana Martin-Saravia hosted a dinner at their residence.
It was attended by a number of other diplomats; government officials including Federal Minister of National Food Security and Research, Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, members of the business community, retired Pakistani ambassadors and a few others. It was an interesting guest list incorporating different sections of Islamabad’s multi faceted society.
The rear lawn had been covered with a canopy to keep out the chill and a nice atmosphere had been created with, music and well laid tables named after the countries whose envoys were the guests of honour. The table ‘Pakistan’ was reserved for the minister, who left before dinner was served; the host; graceful politician, Abida Hussain; ambassador designate to Ukraine, Major General (r) Athar Abbass and Mrs Abbass and a few others.
“Susana and I have always tried to introduce our friends and those persons who matter, to newcomers that have joined the diplomatic community, so that they feel more at home,” said the host before his preamble of Pakistani guests - somewhat shorter than usual, though he managed to give a fair picture of who does what. “I have been told by my wife to keep from making a long speech” he said, eliciting a chuckle from the guests, but he did manage to introduce nearly everyone, while apologizing to those he may have missed. He did however especially mention CEO Heartfile, Dr Sania Nishtar, a former Minister of Health

and an expert in social medicine, who has been nominated by the Government of Pakistan as a candidate for the post of Head of the UN High Commission for Refugees, which be a great honour for her -- and for Pakistan if she gets elected. There was a spontaneous round of applause from the guests at this revelation since Dr Nishtar is a well loved personality of the capital.
Dessert was a help yourself affair to give guests a chance to mix and converse with each other and also provided an opportunity for those who wanted to leave without appearing in a hurry to do so – the next day was a working one. Later a few guests stayed behind to have coffee and interact with the hosts who were busy earlier looking after their guests.