KHAR: The traders and shopkeepers in Bajaur Agency on Saturday asked the political administration to reopen a market closed for last 12 days or else they would launch a protest campaign. The demand was made during an emergency meeting of the All Tajir Association, Bajaur Agency, held with its president Sher Bahadur in the chair. The participants said that the political administration had shut down the main market in Inayat Killay. They said that the vegetables and other items of daily use at the market had been rotten and caused financial losses to the traders.
This representational image shows water coming out from a pumping station. — APP/FileMANSEHRA: The Tehsil Municipal...
Ayub Medical Teaching Institution seen in this image. — ONLINE/FileABBOTTABAD: The management of Ayub Teaching...
The UET Mardan building seen in this image.— Facebook@UetMardan2/File MARDAN: The 19th Syndicate meeting of the...
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The Mardan Medical Complex view can be seen in this image. — The Mardan Medical Complex website/FilePESHAWAR: The...
A representational image of a handcuffed person. — APP/FileALPURI: The police claimed to have seized weapons and...