Tuesday March 11, 2025

Rights of employees

February 25, 2018

Doctors under the umbrella of the Young Doctors Association of Punjab aren’t the only ones striving for their rights. There are many other employees, working in different government organisations, who are also striving for the same privileges. Although these ill-fated employees have not taken to the streets so far, they are using other ways to demonstrate their resentment and frustration. It is unfortunate that there is no one to listen to their pleas.

Nobody knows when the higher authorities will pay attention to these employees who are working on the same grade even after working at the organisation for more than 10 years. In today’s world, where the price of almost every essential item is skyrocketing, it is shameful that the authorities concerned do not have a proper mechanism that deals with pay raises and promotion. The relevant department must look into this matter at the earliest.

Hashim Abro
