Monday July 01, 2024

NAB chairman listens to public complaints

By Our Correspondent
October 26, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Vowing to continue accountability of the corrupt till making the country corruption-free, Chairman National Accountability Bureau Justice (R) Javed Iqbal said that eliminating corruption and depositing public money in national exchequer is top most priority.

Speaking in Khuli Kutchri here at NAB headquarters, he patiently listened to the complaint of the people came from across the country, he vowed verifying each complaint in light of law and evidence as priority was to eliminate corruption from the country.

The chairman NAB said the NAB had not only deposited over Rs297 billion by recovering from the corrupt but the crackdown against the corrupt would continue without any discrimination till purging the country from corruption. “No hindrance in this regard would be tolerated.

Justice (R) Javed Iqbal, after assuming the coveted responsibilities of chairman NAB, had vowed listening people’s complaints in open Kutcheries on last Thursday of every month to maintain direct liaison with the aggrieved.

Fulfilling his promise, he listened the complaints very patiently and issued orders on spot to provide solace to complainants. Moreover on chairman’s directives, DGs regional offices of NAB also held such Khulli Ketcharies for listening and resolving peoples’ complaints.

This helped improving peoples’ confidence and they also lauded Justice Javed’s efforts for elimination of corruption. The chairman NAB has directed the concerned to computerise corruption complaint registration system, besides informing the complainant about current status of their complaints.

“Their complaints should also be taken to logical conclusion,” he directed. He directed the staff to patiently hear corruption complaints and respect the people. No laxity in this regard would be tolerated.