PESHAWAR: The police recovered huge quantity of ammunition during a raid in Matani and arrested two accused on Sunday. Superintendent of Police Saddar Sahibzada Sajjad told reporters that police while acting on a tipoff conducted a raid in Gulshanabad in Matani and recovered six Kalashnikovs, three rifles, eight pistols and 123 magazines dumped in the ground.
The official said the recovered weapons could be used for terrorism during Muharram. The official said two accused identified as Jamil and Bakhtiar were arrested.
US envoy and Pakistani minister reiterate commitment to further enhancing partnership
Pair say their father had been raping eldest girl for a year, and had twice attempted to rape younger girl
Committee's mandate is to review initiatives addressing enforced disappearances
A re-polling was held at 15 polling stations of this constituency on January 5