the very paper you hold or are reading online is the pulse of a democracy worthy of the name. When you engage – read it, write a letter, share it with others – and do so in a way that maintains healthy respect alongside healthy debate, you are bolstering our democracy and showing the rest of the world a better model that they will emulate.
The true ‘arsenal of democracy’ is not a nuclear navy nor a Hellfire missile rain of death from the sky. It is you, seeking information, sharing your thoughts, caring for the hearts and minds of your neighbours, even the ones with whom you disagree – especially the ones who anger you with an opinion you find objectionable.
I teach several courses that revolve around these concepts and I love watching students evolve from apathy and fatalism to outrage and violent ideation to care, capacity, and human agency. True, some never move off the cynical dime, some get stuck on pugnacity and demonisation, but those who pass into the stages of engagement and rational, careful analysis and discourse are the ones I am confident will do the most good for democracy in our land, and, by extension of this evolving American experiment, the rest of the world.
On December 21, Trump unleashed fresh salvo, lambasting Panama for its "unfair" canal fees
According to Unicef, estimated 22.8 million children aged 5 to 16 are out of school in Pakistan
Urdu slogan carrying incumbent PM’s name is ‘Shehbaz Karey Parwaz’, which means Shehbaz is high flier
Gender disparities are pronounced in KP, where girls account for 64% of OOSC
Chinese philosopher Mencius prophesized 3000 years ago that state that does not employ worthy perishes
Over past two decades, rapid and often chaotic development has increasingly defined Islamabad's landscape