GUJRANWALA: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Tuesday arrested the main accused involved in cyber crime from Hafizabad. FIA Assistant Director Asif Iqbal said that accused Shabbir was a member of a gang which fraudulently withdrew millions of rupees from the citizens’ accounts. Earlier, the FIA cyber crime wing has arrested another accused Shafiq who disclosed the names of other gang members. The gang members made phone calls to the citizens, impersonating as the officials of law enforcement agency and got the information of citizens’ bank accounts. According to the FIA, major arrests in this regard are expected in the coming days.
DETAILS OF PHA MEGA CORRUPTION SCANDAL TRACED: The Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) has traced out precious properties of the officers involved in the PHA mega corruption scandal. ACE Regional Director Fareed Ahmed said during investigation, the officials have collected information of properties owned by the PHA officers, including director administration Ahad Dogar, assistant director Rashid Bashir Chattha, deputy director Munir Gujjar and deputy director Jahangir Shahzad.
It was revealed that these officers have valuable properties in Gujranwala, Lahore and Sheikhupura districts. All the accused have went underground and declared proclaimed offenders by the anti-corruption court. The investigations have been started on the written complaint of SA Hamid, chairman Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Gujranwala.
From combating illicit trade to ensuring smooth trade, customs serve as backbone of international trade
Operational policy often oscillates between increasing facilitation measures and pursuing stringent compliance
Gender mainstreaming in workplace is increasingly recognised as an important driver of efficiency
Traditional methods of anti-smuggling enforcement struggle to keep pace with evolving smuggling networks
Prevention of Smuggling Act 1977 authorises federal and provincial govts to detain individual if they suspect him of...
PM Shehbaz says he is delighted to note that Pakistan Customs recently implemented Faceless Customs Assessment System