message of love to both these parties on April 23.
Altaf Hussain said that the MQM was a liberal and progressive party. “The JI is a branch of al-Qaeda”, he alleged. “Do the people want the Taliban and their supporters in Karachi or the MQM?” he questioned. He said that the PTI was also the ‘political branch’ of the Taliban. He said that the opponents of the MQM must have panicked after seeing this show of public support.
“I congratulate Kunwar Naveed Jamil on winning this election in advance”, said Altaf Hussain.
He said the people of Karachi had proved today that they wanted the MQM in Karachi, not terrorists. He said that this rally had broken all previous records.
Addressing the international community, he said that the MQM stood for equal opportunities for all the segments of society. He said that Pakistan would be a truly democratic country under an MQM government. He said that the MQM wanted respect for all religions and unity among them. He said that nobody would be discriminated against on the basis of religion in an MQM government.
“The MQM wants to break the status quo in the country and wants to bring positive changes in the country. We want to provide people with freedom, food, electricity and clean drinking water”, he added. He said that the MQM was against all forms of violence. “We want an end to the class system in Pakistan”, he said.
He also asked the government of Pakistan to call a session of the Security Council of the United Nations on the excesses being committed on the innocent Kashmiris.
In a global village, he said we should make friends and not foes and should not enter anybody else’s war. After World War II all the European nations became united on one platform. Why couldn’t the neighbouring countries of Asia stand united and an Asian Union be formed?
Earlier, senior leaders of the MQM including Faisal Sabzwari, Haider Abbas Rizvi, Dr Farooq Sattar and candidate Kunwar Jameel also addressed the rally. Dr Farooq Sattar said that the people of Karachi had given their verdict in the MQM’s favour today and April 23 would just be a formality.
Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said that the JI and PTI would contest for second position on April 23. He said that the MQM would wrap its opponent’s politics in a container and send them back to where they came from.
Haider Abbas Rizvi said that the PTI would flee after the election. “Will the JI leader resign after losing the election?” he questioned.
Faisal Sabzwari said that the PTI was an enemy of Karachi. He said that the PTI wanted to cage this city, not free it.
MQM candidate Kunwar Naveed said the people of Karachi knew well that only Altaf Hussain and the MQM were loyal to Karachi.
The MQM leaders said that the people of Karachi were energetic and the MQM would defeat its opponents by a massive margin in NA-246.
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