work with his close friend Omar Khalid Khurasani, a dreaded militant commander who quit the mainstream TTP and formed the breakaway group, TTP-Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.
Qari Shakil was considered as the right-hand man of Omar Khalid Khurasani, who too was reportedly wounded earlier in a joint operation by Afghan and foreign forces in the Nangarhar province. Dr Tariq Ali had served as a captain in the Pakistan Army. In one of his videos, he had claimed to have served in the Frontier Corps Balochistan, 80 Brigade Siachen, and various places in the Punjab. He cited posting in Waziristan as the reason for leaving the army.
He said he had spent two tenures in North Waziristan and South Waziristan tribal regions and refused order of the second-in-command official when he was asked to go for the third time.After deserting the army, he had gone to London. He had stated that his “PA” number was 103907 and he passed out in the 18th course of the Army Medical College.
Dr Tariq Ali said that he had worked in the army for nearly seven years and about nine years ago he left the army and migrated to London where he did general surgical training in London and Cambridge.
He said he had left Britain with the intention to go to Iraq and join the Islamic State, but was arrested on the way and sent to jail in Croatia.Then he said he was deported to Pakistan and faced some difficulties in the beginning. Later, he joined the TTP-JA.
Meanwhile, the leadership of three major militant factions of the Pakistani Taliban, including the Maulana Fazlullah-led TTP, the TTP-JA headed by Omar Khalid Khurasani, and the Lashkar-i-Islami founded by Mangal Bagh, agreed to join hands and merge their groups into one main organisation, the Tehrik-i-Taliban.
According to Ehsanullah Ehsan, Maulana Fazlullah Khurasani, Omar Khalid Khurasani and Haji Mangal Bagh in a joint consultative meeting agreed on forming an organising committee that would form a central supreme Shura (Rehbari Shura) and an organising body in a few days.He said the Ameer or leader for the new joint organisation would be selected through consensus.
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